Managed Store Graphics team at Forever 21- including all domestic and international wall coverings, tone of voice, neon signs and directories to large scale graphics placed on exterior facades.
Mural was commissioned by Forever 21 for the grand opening of Cafe 21 restaurant, located at the headquarters in Los Angeles. This was a 4 part mural I designed digitally and hand drew in chalk.
Gift Cards designed for Forever 21.
These Forever 21 Stickers were designed as a limited edition collaboration with the Line App, which is a communication app largely popular in Japan. I designed different characters based on their personalities and styles. These characters were used as "models" on the Japan Forever 21 site and customers could purchase the look. The "stickers" were then made to use as emojis in the app and anyone could download and use.
Still life studies painted in photoshop
Seasonal windows for Forever 21: concept, design and production.
Illustrations (inspired by designer Lanvin) were designed for Forever 21 and were used in frames within the shops, as well as large scale wall coverings and staircases. These characters have also been developed for online editorial pieces demo and branding for
Emails were designed for Charming Charlie, largely for the loyalty program called "Charm Club".
Live figurative studies in oil on paper.
Studies for a Sea Serpent story in development.
Slumdog Millionaire was a project, drawn from the original script.
Male Hero Spot was commercial done for LA Boxing in 2012.
The Land and Milk and Honey was a series of 8 books that I concepted, illustrated and digitally painted.